For my minor project we were given a simple brief to create a set for the NTA's, the only stipulations were that it had to fit within a certain studio and that it must include a green room and a main stage for the awards, the rest was left up to our own imaginations.  
I started mind mapping and came up with several strong ideas but the first one and the one I kept coming back to was built solely around the Fleabag S2 poster. This poster combined religious imagery combined with more 'mundane' aspects which I just found visually striking. From there I went down a rabbit hole looking at other instances where religious imagery had been updated and used in a modern aesthetic. The Met Gala theme of Heavenly bodies was another interesting avenue to pursue and I was particularly struck by their headpieces. I looked at the opening credits to American Gods which incorporated a lot of neon and modern icons standing in for religious symbols.
Mood board:
Unfortunately, since we first went into lockdown I was unable to get my sketchbook were I developed my ideas as my university is still currently closed. The sketchbook detailed how I came up with certain elements and built upon the stage design to the final visualisation you see now. The biggest breakthrough being my focus on fireworks, particularly Catherine wheels, that inspired my 'stained glass' LED's to shoot out from the stage like sparks. The LED's were my update on stained glass and I designed them to be changed remotely depending on what the set was required to do.
Construction Sheets:

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